Monday, October 31, 2011

finally back to normal...if thats even possible...

I just wanted to write to thank everyone who came to help me when I was so terribly ill. I am feeling 100% better, and each day gets easier to make it to bedtime! The meals we had stored are still being used and its been such a huge relief to not have to think some days about dinner. I am back on my feet and getting more into our routine ( again, if that even exists) each day!

please know that if you EVER have an unexplained pain in your upper right quadrant....GO HAVE A DOCTOR LOOK AT IT. I suffered these episodes of what I thought was gas ( sorry about TMI) for almost 5 years. I am also one of those patients who doesn't go to the doctor bc I am always afraid of them saying " you are so silly...its really nothing" I NEVER Went for this particular problem. after 8 hours of writhing in pain i finally gave in and let Mike take me to the ER...i very literally couldn't take anymore pain. I then spent 6 days in the hospital (torture) and 8 days laid up in bed ( id say refreshing, but id rather do it when I'm not sick).  They removed 6 stones from my bile ducts and 14 STONES from my gallbladder, as well as removing the gallbladder itself. I have pictures, and they aren't pretty! I was one sick lady.

I was so immensely blessed during those 6 days in the hospital. I was able to receive the Eucharist and even had Fr. Voitus from St. Vincent come and pray over me and with me. I have never in my life felt more cared about for sure. I had friends bring flowers and cards of well wishes dominated my mailbox, meals upon meals in my fridge, people ran errands, and just coming to play with my children for a few hours was so appreciated.

FROM THE DEEPEST PART OF MY SOUL....THANK YOU! thank you for caring about my kids, my self, my husband and my family! Thank you for being such an incredible example of charity and selflessness. Many of you came with your own kids in tow, which is even more amazing!

I hope someday to be able to help all of you in the way you have helped me...

In Christ,

Claire and the Mayo gang