Realism: may be generally defined as the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality, and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements.
I am been so overwhelmed lately with people complimenting me and "all the things I do with the kids", and how I "look so put together" all the time, I truly appreciate the compliments, they are sometimes just what I need in order to keep my head right...BUT...In order to not put out the wrong impression of who I am, I will give you 25 REAL things about me...
Disclaimer: By personality and temperament I have and continue to struggle with doing things in order to seek recognition There is an eternal battle with "purity of intention"!!
Here it is...25 REAL things about Claire
1.) I am a Martha: meaning that I am guilty of letting my kids cry in order to "just finish this one last thing"...ALOT!
2.) I do NOT shower every day...its more like every 2-3 days with a minimal hair washing over the side of the tub action!
3.) I LOVE T.V. ( I feed my food addiction through osmosis from The Food Network)
4.) I have a serious dislike for reading out loud to my kids...I do it...b/c I am an adult, and I must do things I dislike and set a good example :)
5.) I have a vanity problem.
6.) B/c of this vanity problem, I wear make-up only in public.
7.) If you see me wearing makeup in public, its probably just new makeup put on top of old makeup.
8.) I wash my face with hand soap b/c I am too lazy to reach under the sink and get face wash.
9.) I have to have something to drink when I am in the car...anything but water!
10.) I have a love-hate relationship with H2O...again, I drink it b/c as an adult I must do things that are good for me even if I do not like them!
11.) Home-schooling and I are arch-enemies.
12.) I sometimes make homemade frosting just to eat it...I do not bake ANYTHING to put it on!
13.) I am totally unoriginal...almost everything I do is b/c someone else gave me the idea or I saw it on Pinterest!
14.) I LOVE PINTERST!! I have designed a dream house ( and will definitely never own
15.) I could eat my weight in dairy products everyday!
16.) Grocery shopping is my favorite thing to do!
17.) Laundry is my least favorite, and most times my kids live out of a laundry basket of clean clothes!
18.) I am allergic to exercise!
19.) My kids watch a lot more T.V than they should, and some are Disney movies at that!
20.) While my make-up may help me appear put together...I likely did not brush my teeth that day.
21.) Nighttime prayers at our house have a "short" version and a "long" version. I believe this also contributes to my kids heaving heavy sighs when I remind them on Sunday that we are going to "long" Mass.
22.) The deciding factor on whether "short" or "long" prayers are said is usually my mood....HEY! I am not perfect!
23.) I listen to Veggie Tales on audio CD, even when the kids aren't in the car with me.
24.) I usually carry about $15 worth of library fines, give or take $5
25.) Despite all these things, I am a woman of God. I am striving to die to these parts of myself in order to please my heavenly Father, and fulfill my vocation to the best of my ability. This list is not just about helping people see the real me, its about helping those who know me, realize that none of us are without weakness or weak moments. I do believe. that we are all doing the best we can. I hope we can all strive for holiness together!