Romans 8:16-17 "The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. "
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
E Mealz!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Teacher or Mommy?
We are getting ready to pull Max out of preschool...for a few reasons! One, we might be out of work for a few months while Mike changes jobs, and we really cant afford the $200/month that it costs. Second, we are trying to get out of debt. We have cut back on all our expenses and should be down to the STUPID car ( yes its a stupid car), by Summer!!! YIPPEE!!! Thirdly, we want to homeschool. Max is a creature of habit and I am really worried that he wont adjust to homeschooling after being used to a classroom setting.
All that said, I am also worried that he wont be able to relate to me as teacher and mommy. Mike and I know that homeschooling is whats best for our kids. We know its how God would want us to raise them. We want to protect their innocence from the sex-crazed, defiant, dumbed-down, no-child-left-behind, school systems we know he would be sent to. I have wanted to homeschool my children since college when I did a research paper on the benefits of homeschooling vs public school.
So my question, How do I help Max relate to me as teacher and mommy? How do I teach him and learn at the same time how to fill this role in his life? I must admit I am nervous, and afraid that we might not succeed. But I am also DETERMINED!! I will accept this challenge bc I know in the end, I am doing whats best for HIM!!! I have been looking at different curiculum's online and I am really impressed with the Kolbe academy. I like its design, and I like that they offer supplements too. I am looking into Little Saints preschool curriculum for finishing his preschoool years, but to be honest, Max is way ahead of the game. He knows all his prayers, numbers up to 20, colors by recognition. I dont say this to pat myself on the back( but dont think i havent...wink wink), I say this bc I am afraid I wont be able to teach him and satisfy his yearing for knowledge. He has started asking where places are like India, and the Jungles? How do I explain that to a 3 year old?
Luckily, I have a plethora of moms to choose from for advice. I am sooo blessed to have moms willing to share information and help us moms who are just starting out!
thanks in advance!!!
All that said, I am also worried that he wont be able to relate to me as teacher and mommy. Mike and I know that homeschooling is whats best for our kids. We know its how God would want us to raise them. We want to protect their innocence from the sex-crazed, defiant, dumbed-down, no-child-left-behind, school systems we know he would be sent to. I have wanted to homeschool my children since college when I did a research paper on the benefits of homeschooling vs public school.
So my question, How do I help Max relate to me as teacher and mommy? How do I teach him and learn at the same time how to fill this role in his life? I must admit I am nervous, and afraid that we might not succeed. But I am also DETERMINED!! I will accept this challenge bc I know in the end, I am doing whats best for HIM!!! I have been looking at different curiculum's online and I am really impressed with the Kolbe academy. I like its design, and I like that they offer supplements too. I am looking into Little Saints preschool curriculum for finishing his preschoool years, but to be honest, Max is way ahead of the game. He knows all his prayers, numbers up to 20, colors by recognition. I dont say this to pat myself on the back( but dont think i havent...wink wink), I say this bc I am afraid I wont be able to teach him and satisfy his yearing for knowledge. He has started asking where places are like India, and the Jungles? How do I explain that to a 3 year old?
Luckily, I have a plethora of moms to choose from for advice. I am sooo blessed to have moms willing to share information and help us moms who are just starting out!
thanks in advance!!!
The "Miracle" Bagel!!!
OH my son, my son....I love him but man can he be a challenge, and a blessing all in the same day! I have started taking him to Mass EVERYDAY, bc he seems to think that church is the ONE PLACE he can be on his worst behavior, and mommy and daddy cant really do anything about it until afterwards. Yes, he is that child screaming" dont spank my hieny". as he is being dragged out of Mass. Yes, he is that child banging his feet on the pew during the Consecretion. and Yes he is even that child who sings "Thomas and Friends" during the homily. He slams kneelers, stands on the pew, runs up the aisle, and all of this in an hours time!! SO to fix his behavior, I decied to take him EVERYDAY until he learns, CHURCH IS FOR PRAYING, and if you arent praying, you are going to be respectful of the people who are.
Well, our food comes and Max's Blueberry bagel is placed in front of him, and his draw DROPS in disbelief. I said" Mommy didnt order that for you, it must be Jesus". I said " Maybe Jesus is trying to tell you that He knows you can behave in church and wants you to remember to ask Him for help when you get restless and cant sit still...did you say 'thank you' to Jesus?'. Max inquisitively asked " where does Jesus live?" I said " IN your heart...did you thank HIM?". HE said I did in my heart"... Now thinking that I have TOTALLY won this battle...I settled down to eat my Bagel with the smile of VICTORY on my lips.
to which max responded " but I told Him I would have been happier with pampakes"...oh my son!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
My Bella Baby!
I never thought that I would have a daughter. TRULY. my first 2 babies were boys and growing up I always wanted a house full of boys. I was a girl, a teenage girl at that, and I never wanted to experience the things I did or went through with my own daughter. Any woman can relate to the confusing time teenager-hood is, and the hormonal craziness it can bring. For some reason, I thought being a boy couldnt be as bad as what I was as a girl...so thats why I wanted boys.
Now that I have a daughter of my own, I am completely lossed in the emotional bond I have made with her. Its not more than what I have with Max, but its definately different. I think I bonded with her much quicker than I did with max, for many reasons, but mostly bc we have alot in common. I know my own experiences will be a major factor in how I raise her, where as with Max, he cant really relate to what I went through. Aside from getting to dress in pink, I never realized HOW girly I was myself, until I had Bella. She has really brought out a hidden side of me that I love. Picking out clothes for her and for me, now matter? WHAT? Who is this person? I was always concerend about what I looked like but realized that being a single parent didnt allow my wardrobe to be ever expanding as I would have liked. With Bella, I was really surprised to have a true calling to being more modest. Not that I dressed to expose myself, but I really want for my example to lead her. I am realizing that had I been more modest in my youth, I would have expected MEN to TREAT ME BETTER! I would have respected exactly how God intented my body to be seen, and would have definately waited for marriage to have sex. Now that I have Bella, I am realizing that how I dress will be her example. How I expect men to treat me, will be how she expects men to treat her. Now understand, I dont expect her to wear a brown sack, and be a nun. I guess I want her to realize that being modest, in the end, will attract a man that likes her for her INTELLECT,PERSONALITY, DEVOTION,FAITH,MORALITY, etc. AlLl the things I always wanted to be respected for, and never actually expected, I can show her how with my own example.
Having a daughter has really opened my eyes to what I should have been doing all along...LISTENING TO MY OWN MOTHER...go figure. I always knew my mom was right but was more comcerned with being a dork, that the state of my soul. I never saw wearing a low cut shirt as leading men into sin...and I would never want Bella to have those things on her soul, without being made aware that it is sinful for her and she is leading others into sin as well. Bella as opened my eyes to a whole new realm of my faith...and I am so glad that I have her to help me lead her by my own example.
Now that I have a daughter of my own, I am completely lossed in the emotional bond I have made with her. Its not more than what I have with Max, but its definately different. I think I bonded with her much quicker than I did with max, for many reasons, but mostly bc we have alot in common. I know my own experiences will be a major factor in how I raise her, where as with Max, he cant really relate to what I went through. Aside from getting to dress in pink, I never realized HOW girly I was myself, until I had Bella. She has really brought out a hidden side of me that I love. Picking out clothes for her and for me, now matter? WHAT? Who is this person? I was always concerend about what I looked like but realized that being a single parent didnt allow my wardrobe to be ever expanding as I would have liked. With Bella, I was really surprised to have a true calling to being more modest. Not that I dressed to expose myself, but I really want for my example to lead her. I am realizing that had I been more modest in my youth, I would have expected MEN to TREAT ME BETTER! I would have respected exactly how God intented my body to be seen, and would have definately waited for marriage to have sex. Now that I have Bella, I am realizing that how I dress will be her example. How I expect men to treat me, will be how she expects men to treat her. Now understand, I dont expect her to wear a brown sack, and be a nun. I guess I want her to realize that being modest, in the end, will attract a man that likes her for her INTELLECT,PERSONALITY, DEVOTION,FAITH,MORALITY, etc. AlLl the things I always wanted to be respected for, and never actually expected, I can show her how with my own example.
Having a daughter has really opened my eyes to what I should have been doing all along...LISTENING TO MY OWN MOTHER...go figure. I always knew my mom was right but was more comcerned with being a dork, that the state of my soul. I never saw wearing a low cut shirt as leading men into sin...and I would never want Bella to have those things on her soul, without being made aware that it is sinful for her and she is leading others into sin as well. Bella as opened my eyes to a whole new realm of my faith...and I am so glad that I have her to help me lead her by my own example.
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