Saturday, August 14, 2010

post partum Part 2...LIFE!!!

welll, Im not sure I am over my depression, but I am better! I am energized, and trying my best to keep the kids busy during the day!!! Mike has a month of leave so I think that will help too!!!

Right now, I am really trying to get ready for the fall. We have so many big things happening in the next 3 months. Mike is deploying Nov. 5-9, My birthday is in 3 weeks, Max;s birthday is in 2 months, Bella turns one a few weeks after that on Thanksgiving...and we are moving back to Charlotte. Im now trying to get Max ready for school, repaint, pack, take care of Bella, do my own school, get Mike ready, mix in family time, balance the checkbook...... I dont know if I can get it all done! Now, I know some of you think I am super woman (lol), but I am not up for all this right now. I really just want to be lazy...AAARRGGGGHHH!!!

So the other day I decided to take control of the chaos that is my life...I am much more productive when I am despite the complaning, I am happy! I have started my day in prayer, and I am eating better. My goal...LOOOSE 100LBS by the time Mike comes back...I know I can do it, despite wanting to sit down and cry about how awful I look right now! I know I can get all my packing done, but I just dont want to do it....LOL!!! how do other moms keep the smile on their faces...i dont want to smile! I want to cry!

Im not sure where this post was going, maybe it was just a vent, but its all the thoughts in my head for now...i just need a hug from a mom who gets this not sure I am handling it very well, despite my new found faith that I can get it all done...



  1. I think you're being too hard on yourself, Claire. I think you're doing just fine considering it's August on the East Coast, during one of the hottest summers on record!!!

    It's tough being a mom.
    It's tough being a wife.
    It's tough running an efficient household.
    It's tough being a college student.
    It's tough packing up a home and moving.

    Claire, you're doing all of these things at once. You are an amazing young lady with love in your heart and courage in your convictions. You've come so far and there is nothing you can't do, even if that means juggling all those tasks at one time. That may make you crazy but certainly not ineffective. L*O*L

    Just slow down and take a breath. Each day, face the mirror and realize how wonderful you really are. Praise yourself for work well done from the day before. Think about what you want to accomplish that day. And love yourself for being the mom and the wife that you've always wanted to be. You're doing a fine job and you need to remind yourself of that every single day. Your energy will start returning any day now. The weather is cooling off just a bit. Fall is coming and time will slow down just a bit. We are going to have a beautiful Fall ... I just KNOW it ... and by then you'll be back in Charlotte with your friends and family. Life is good. You're amazing. So love it all even when it's seeming to break apart around you. Things may seem as though you're losing control, but it's momentary and as they say, "This too shall pass."

    I love you sweetie, Wo!

  2. Wow- Claire- I had no idea you were suffering so much. I want to know how BEAUTIFUL I think you are! I agree with above- be easier on yourself- cut yourself some slack- set reasonable goals that you know you can attain. Most important thing: start each day with quiet reflection and conversation with our Lord- who is SO in love with you just the way you are and is So proud of the woman and mother you are.- Jessica F.
