Why cant we put this much time and effort in teaching abstinence? Does it not also deserve its fair share of the spot light, instead of convincing women that their only options are some form of Birth control...I AM LIVID! I am quoting directly from the Planned Parent website
Abstinence at a Glance
- A behavior that prevents pregnancy
- Prevents sexually transmitted infection
- Safe, easy, and convenient
SO WHAT IS THE PROBLEM??? The problem is that Planned Parenthood makes no money if people are abstinent. They wouldn't be able to advertise or promote things like "Susan G. Komen" or the pro-choice/pro-abortion movement. The corrupt relationship between these 2 organizations is for another blog for sure.
I cant believe that women really buy this nonsense. Do we, as women, take the time to understand exactly what birth control does? It tricks our body into being in a "constant" state of pregnancy, so that your ovaries don't release eggs. If an egg happens to get through, and is fertilized, your uterus is already a toxic environment so the egg wont implant, therefore causing spontaneous abortions in THOUSANDS of women every month. YOU COULD BE ABORTING A BABY EVERY MONTH AND NOT KNOW IT. As a Catholic, I believe that life begins at the moment of conception. For those of you who don't, I ask you this question: At what point did your son, daughter, sister, brother, mom, dad, aunt, uncle or cousin become a person in the womb???? If you don't believe that this TINY, Microscopic cell, that creates every organ in the body from itself, isn't a person the moment it starts dividing and multiplying...then when does it become your mom/dad, sister/brother...or when did YOU BECOME YOU?????
I am outraged that my tax dollars are the reason that the government feels they can MANDATE companies to give FREE BIRTH CONTROL ( BC if YOU aren't paying for it, I am) to their employees. This statement INFURIATES ME....
“Currently, nearly one in three women finds it difficult to pay for birth control, and that’s why the United States has a far higher unintended-pregnancy rate than other industrialized countries. Making family-planning services available at no cost will help millions of women prevent unintended pregnancy and thereby reduce the need for abortion.”
Read more:
Read more:
Teaching women how their bodies work will prevent millions of unplanned pregnancies and reduce the need for abortions. We have such a high un-intended pregnancy rate BC we don't care enough about our youth or how God designed sex to be used. We aren't teaching our children that waiting until you are married is one of the most PRECIOUS gifts we can give to our spouse. TO be able to say: "I am untouched and save myself for you, even before I knew you" is exactly how sex inside of marriage was deemed by God to be. We find our society pulling us down this path of destruction instead of teaching responsibility. Instead of teaching men that women are gifts from the Lord, and are to cherished we are teaching them that we are objects to lust after, and if there is an unplanned pregnancy, well don't worry, we have a pill for that.
The Planned Parenthood site go on further to say that abstinence...
- has no medical or hormonal side effects
- is free
- prevent pregnancy
- prevent STDs
- wait until they're ready for a sexual relationship
- wait to find the right partner
- have fun with romantic partners without sexual involvement
- focus on school, career, or extracurricular activities
- support personal, moral, or religious beliefs and values
- get over a breakup
- heal from the death of a partner
- follow medical advice during an illness or infection
Special Advantages for Teens Sexual relationships present risks. Abstinence is a very good way to postpone taking those risks until you are better able to handle them. Women who abstain until their 20s — and who have fewer partners in their lifetimes — may have certain health advantages over women who do not. They are less likely to get STDs. Because they are less likely to get an STD, they are also less likely to become infertile or develop cervical cancer. |
bleeding between periods( BC that's what I want, more bleeding)
breast tenderness
heart attack
blot clots in the legs, lungs, and brain ( it worth that)
THESE ARE FATAL PEOPLE!!!! Please call your representative, and tell this government that socialism isn't OK. Tell them that "we the people" should have a say in where our money goes...PLEASE, I BEG you to stand up for the RIGHT to life for these innocent babies. Stand up for yourself, as women, and send the message home that our bodies are to be temples of the LORD...not to be forced (free or not) to be abused in this way!!
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