Mike not being here is always hard on the kids. I was truly inspired by the ladies of my Regnum Christi team recently, during one of our resolutions (used to draw us closer to God through our vocations) involving our husbands. Now, my husband is not here so these resolutions always require a bit of creativity. For example, where Mike is, he rises at 2am EVERYDAY for his Adoration hour. SO, influenced by a resolution, I now rise at 2am and say a Rosary, as a means for us to pray together. He does not know I do this, which I think makes it all the more special. "Daddy Day" started with chores, b/c daddy always did business first. The kids cleaned windows and bathrooms. We ate daddy's favorite meals; bacon and eggs for breakfast, pizza for dinner, and snacks in between that reminded us of him. The kids played some video games, one of Mike's FAVORITE pastimes with the kids. We wrote letters to Mike, and the kids colored a TON of pictures. We turned on his favorite radio station and danced and laughed, and just really enjoyed this day. I admit that I miss Mike so much. It is not even a feeling I can put into words. He is doing such good work for God, and while we both know the other suffers, our suffering is never in vain, if we continue to work for Jesus. We will be doing "Daddy Day" every 2 weeks! It was a BLAST!
Max cleaning the bathroom
window cleaning |
video games |
Doing a good job! |
they were thrilled, I don't normally let them play! |
pizza for dinner |
Yes, Gloria is standing in her chair |
letters and pictures |
Gloria doing her best work |
Max copying a letter he dictated to me |
He was working really hard! |
This is so beautiful and inspires me even about my marriage with a daddy who is here!