Saturday, February 23, 2013

Vegan Cheesecake...

I am NOT a health food person. I do try to stay away from artificial colors and preservatives. I admit to making my kids drink regular store bought milk, mostly b/c I can never afford anything better. I love butter, and sugar, and being a novice baker...can not imagine NOT using them! So when I offered dinner to a VERY DEAR, and special family (who don't eat dairy, and are very health conscious)...I wanted to make them something delicious they could eat. I admire this dear friend for her unceasing efforts to give her family the best, and hope to do the same with mine. I do a lot of reading these days about food and its source. I decided on a pasta dish for dinner. I wanted to make something for dessert as well. Searching Pinterest, I came across this vegan cheesecake idea. Now, THIS IS HARD for me to do. I LOVE CHEESECAKE!! It is probably my favorite dessert ever. Making it with anything other than sugar and cream cheese is just not possible. I had to give this a try. I confess...I was pleasantly surprised! This recipe is EXTREMELY good, and good for you!!
I admit this posting is my second attempt. The first batch I made I really didn't soak the cashews long enough. The filling was a bit gritty. I also only used 1/2 of the "maple syrup" for which I substituted organic blue agave! It was plenty sweet! Below is the soaked cashews (soaked for at least 16 hours). I also added the lemon and the lemon zest in this first processing.

soaked cashews, lemon, and lemon zest

After first processing
2nd processing with oil, blue agave
Crust baking in the oven, made of almonds, prunes, coconut oil, salt, baking powder
filling with blueberries added

ready for the freezer!

These truly are good. EVEN my kids ate them, and have asked me to make them again! I cant wait to share these with our friends tomorrow. I hope they enjoy them as much as we have and will in the future!

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