Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday 2013

I love Easter. Not just because I get reminded that I can rest in the JOY of the Resurrection, but b/c its truly one of my favorite times of year for my kids. I, again, admit that this season/Lent was low-key. I am a really bad planner, or at least I am last minute. There is a serious desire in me to be one of the moms I admire so much, and plan so well, that my kids weeks are just busy craft-making and treat eating til they drop. Alas, I admit this is one of my weakness, and one of the HARDEST parts of homemaking for me. I am MUCH better at meal planning, and grocery shopping :)! Below are the BEST of the Easter pictures I managed to take. ( My health has been out of whack for a while, and I am just not feeling like myself) 

Checking out their Easter baskets!

notice Bella's black, swollen eye!

attempting taking a picture facing the sun! DUH!

Thats as good as it got!!

The 4 big kids!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Holy Saturday

Thank goodness I can back-date my posts! I am writing this EASTER weekend joy...about  a month too late! just happening! Here the kids are enjoying the annual Easter egg dying event. This year we cut back to about 4 eggs per child. We also waited for Gloria to go to bed...she is a BIT too young to dying eggs. She also like to put everything in her mouth, and I was afraid  she might just drink the dye when no one was looking! I admit this was a quiet Easter season for us. I am glad we ended the season of Lent with this! Happy (almost) Easter! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Time is FLYING...

Blaise is 4 months old today! Plus, he met his daddy for the FIRST time this weekend! God is good!
Isnt he just the cutest!!

Not 5 minutes after this picture, Blaise was asleep in Mike's arms!

Could they look any more alike?!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

the means to an end...or beginning!

In preparation for events ( and travel) I believe the Lord is calling my family to, I have begun a purge of our belongings  I mean, the absolute, least amount of stuff we can survive on. This is especially hard with kids. If I just have 3-4 days worth of clothes, no doubt someone will have diarrhea or a stomach bug, and use all of them in one day. On the flip side, I am was literally running out of room for clothes. Our closet was PACKED, and most of it was not being used. Again, I know, deep down, my family is preparing to enter the community where Mike resides now. It is truly a blessing my family has been given, but this community THRIVES on providence aka: whatever gets dropped off is what they live on. Its a true testament to forming the "man" and teaching the men in Community how to rely on God alone. I have this nagging on my heart, that my time is coming to also enter into Community.  Therefore, I must "let go" of these material possessions b/c its not like I can take them with me anyway, and who knows how long I will be gone. (Seriously, it could be a few years) I am aware though, that even when we feel God is asking so much of us, His blessings abound. How can I learn to trust that He will provide, when the time comes for my family to have a need, if I am not willing to let go of things now? There would be no room for God to show me, nor would there be a need. As hard as this is, and as painful, I can feel myself growing closer to Him. I can feel him easing my uncertainty, and vanquishing my fears. Its such a beautiful thing. Below is the fruit of this day! CLOTHES...and one bucket of toys no one had played with since before Christmas. 

It really feels good!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Solemnity of St. Joseph

Remember when I said some feast days are of high importance in our house. Add  St. Joseph's Feast day to the list. We usually attend a party hosted by dear friends of ours. This year, though, our dear friend is due to have a baby ANY SECOND (she could be in labor as I type this, actually), and therefore, the celebration was hosted and put on by our parish. It was BEAUTIFUL! We started with Mass, altogether. Then, there was a potluck luncheon with a blessing, the Litany of St. Joseph, a Novena, and lots of fellowship. I'd say there were about 100 people there. I was sad that, due to a stomach bug I had suffered a few days ago, I only stayed for Mass. I didnt get a chance to snap any picture before I left, but I heard it was a superb event! I am hoping it happens every year for sure! 
The beautiful St. Joseph's altar put together by my dear pregnant friend!

Beautiful programs!
 Since I could not stay for the festivities, I came home and made some homemade Zeppole. It is a very traditional Italian donuts. Who doesnt like fried dough covered in powdered sugar? The kids were so excited!  It was such a nice break in the long Lenten season!
This saint is so special to me family. Mike's middle name is Joseph. St. Joseph is the patron saint of the Universal church, and of the family. We pray for his intercession every night during our family Rosary.  You can learn and read more about this humble, holy man here. Happy Feast of St. Joseph to all! 

St. Patrick' Day!

There are certain feast days in our house that are seriously important. St. Patrick's day is one of them! My mom being Irish ( maiden name is Sheridan), we do things right by her heritage. My dad, an amazing cook, makes made-from-scratch corned beef. I mean, he makes the brine from scratch, leaves the brisket in a BIG tub of said brine, in the garage for 2 weeks, kind of homemade! Its AWESOME! Each year, I pass through the garage for 2 weeks, and smell the vinegar and garlic! It's intoxicating! I look forward to it every year. I was especially glad this year that I was not pregnant ( 3 of my 4 kiddies were born in late Oct/Nov, therefore I am in the middle of my first trimester usually). Morning sickness can really put a damper on my eating festivities! 
My sweet shamrocks had such fun this day! We made some crafts, and the started learning to sew! We played outside with our new neighbors, who are so sweet and have kids the same ages as mine! It was great fun! 
My sweet shamrock!

homemade corned beef!
FEAST is right!


Getting Creative...

Once again, I am NOT super creative. I rely heavily on the great minds of the women around me to inspire me in my (minimal) home school craft efforts. This idea I found is just GENIUS! I have been wanting to teach the girls to sew or at least find something for Bella to sit still and do, while I am cooking, cleaning, feeding the baby etc! The supplies were minimal cost (YES, please), and easy to find ( took 5 minutes in Wal-Mart), and I even found plastic needles for my not so careful kids. I traced a shamrock, it happened to be St. Patrick's day, on the shelf liner, and away she went. I did have to help her understand about not making loops, but she got the hang of it pretty quick! Max asked for a rainbow...I just got rainbow colored yarn instead of buying 6 colors and stringing them through the needle each time!  I'd say that was pretty GENIUS! 

love the rainbow yarn!
PLASTIC needles!
that's a bad!

Getting the hang of it!

Argentine Lentil Stew

In honor of our new Holy Father, Pope Francis, I decided to add in some meals from his homeland of Argentina. ( Yes, I know he is Italian)! I found this delicious soup recipe and HAD EVERYTHING on hand. Plus it was Friday, and it had no meat...DOUBLE SCORE! It was GREAT, and super easy to make. The apple ( Yep, I thought it was weird too) was hardly noticeable, but really added a unique flavor! YUMMO! The left over ( I doubled the original recipe) is now frozen for another day! Enjoy!

She cant get ENOUGH!

I mean it! She just loves her brother. Most days, all I hear out of her is " where is my sweet boy?" or " Hey Blaise boy!" Does it get any sweeter?

He's a good nurser!

Waiting for the white smoke form the Sistine Chapel!

Discovery Place...

I was fortunate enough to escape one afternoon while Gloria was napping (Thank you, Mom) and I took Bella to Discovery Place.(Side note: max missed out b/c of misbehavior, hence there are no picture of him) Really...the picture say it all!

Water Fun!

Hands on!


closed off 0-36 months area!!

More water table

Petting a crab!

The Aquarium!


Jelly Fish

Shredding paper

Made out of duct tape!

A scary high bridge, that I would NEVER attempt!

on the pulley!

Parrot in the rainforest!

She did this bridge about 10 times!