Tuesday, March 26, 2013

the means to an end...or beginning!

In preparation for events ( and travel) I believe the Lord is calling my family to, I have begun a purge of our belongings  I mean, the absolute, least amount of stuff we can survive on. This is especially hard with kids. If I just have 3-4 days worth of clothes, no doubt someone will have diarrhea or a stomach bug, and use all of them in one day. On the flip side, I am was literally running out of room for clothes. Our closet was PACKED, and most of it was not being used. Again, I know, deep down, my family is preparing to enter the community where Mike resides now. It is truly a blessing my family has been given, but this community THRIVES on providence aka: whatever gets dropped off is what they live on. Its a true testament to forming the "man" and teaching the men in Community how to rely on God alone. I have this nagging on my heart, that my time is coming to also enter into Community.  Therefore, I must "let go" of these material possessions b/c its not like I can take them with me anyway, and who knows how long I will be gone. (Seriously, it could be a few years) I am aware though, that even when we feel God is asking so much of us, His blessings abound. How can I learn to trust that He will provide, when the time comes for my family to have a need, if I am not willing to let go of things now? There would be no room for God to show me, nor would there be a need. As hard as this is, and as painful, I can feel myself growing closer to Him. I can feel him easing my uncertainty, and vanquishing my fears. Its such a beautiful thing. Below is the fruit of this day! CLOTHES...and one bucket of toys no one had played with since before Christmas. 

It really feels good!

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